Please do not select more than one language. If you do, only the last selection will be preserved/approved and you may just block the selection of those languages for others. If this is done on purpose, you may be penalized.
You must enter only the first name as it is recorded in moodle. For example:
If your first name is Joe-John Peter, you will enter Joe-John Peter
Please be patient, as the sever will be busy for the first 24h because everybody will try to access it. In case you have problems, please send me an email.
The confirmation page looks like this
Any other format means that you have an error. The confirmation code for this language selection is 37473.Language selection Process started
processing started, searching ... found it at line 8 ActionScript :33181 Joe 2024-01-26-07-51-50 37473 1 Set language ActionScript (4) for 33181, confirmation code=37473 All done